The seven summits, the highest peaks of the 7 continents: Everest, Aconcagua, Denali, Kilimanjaro, Elbrus, Vinson, Carstensz! Trips, Statistics & information!
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FAQ about Trips, Expeditions & Safari

Below are the Frequently Asked Questions about the Kilimanjaro and Safari trips

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Kilimanjaro Trips FAQ:

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About the trips: terms & conditions, useful info and more : What are the terms & conditions I will sign for?  

Q: What are the terms & conditions I will sign for when I book a 7summits Kilimanjaro or Safari trip?


When you sign up for a trip you we need you to sign off on your itinerary which contains the following terms and conditions

(Your personalized itinerary goes on top)


"Please sign me up for the following trip:

Please charge me the above cost for Kilimanjaro trip costs. All prices are in USD and must be transferred in USD (not Euros) unless agreed otherwise. I agree to pay the advance or full amount within 10 days. Any balance will be paid 90 days before departure.

By paying I agree to all terms and conditions as found on this page."



(Personal info to fill out: name, passport# etc.)

*** Important Notices, Terms and Conditions ***

*** Important Notices, Terms and Conditions ***

- Deposit: 15% should be paid by bank money transfer to our bank account when signing up (within 10 days).

- Payment: Final payment should be paid by bank transfer at least 90 days before the beginning of the tour  of course you can also pay the entire amount at once to save time and banking costs.

- Park fees: Prices include all park fees known at time of booking. Additional (currently unknown) increases of the park fees will have to be added and paid separately.


Refund, Cancellation & No Shows and bank expenses:

- Land tour cost

For cancellation prior to 90 days before the departure date there will be a cancellation fee equal to the advance payment.  

For cancellation between 15 and 90 days before the departure date there will be a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the total trip costs.  

For cancellation between 0 and 15 days before the departure date there will be a cancellation fee equal to 100% of the total trip costs.  

There will be no refund if a member leaves a trip for any reason either voluntarily or involuntarily after the trip has begun, whether for personal reasons or as a result of the guide's advice & decision.

- No refund will be made for any services not utilized including -but not limited to- faster ascents/descents (skipping days) & non-use of the Crater camp when applicable.

- Bank expenses: All bank (transfer) expenses will be paid by the client. Please make sure you arrange this with your local bank (mark transfers as 'all costs for sender').


* Passport, Visa, Insurance. *

- Passport and visa: All members must be in possession of a valid passport and the required visa. and it's local agents will advise and assist, but it is client's responsibility to provide the correct documents.

- Insurance: Though it is not required by the Tanzanian National Parks, it is advised that members are protected by insurance that covers cancellation, accident, health, emergency evacuation, mountaineering and loss of or damage to baggage and personal effects. We advise this travel insurance, though please check the altitude allowance for your nationality.


* Hotel accommodations and food: *

People who occupy single rooms by choice must pay a single supplement fee. Please mark the choices that apply to you:

I prefer a single room. (extra costs)

Dietary restrictions (vegetarian, pescatarian, no porc, gluten free etc). Please detail below:.


If there are any other specific requirements, please let us know here and we will try to accommodate you


* Emergency contact: *

(Optional) In case of emergency please notify:







* Responsibility:* acts as an agent for transport companies, hotels and other contractors and shall not be held liable for any injury, damage, loss, delay and irregularity that may be occasioned for any reason, including, but not limited to, wild and domestic animals, altitude disease in any form, malaria and other diseases, any defect in vehicle, the acts of any company or person engaged in conveying passengers, acts of God, detention, delay or expenses arising from quarantine, terrorism, war, strikes, thefts, pilferage, force-majeure, civil disturbances, government restrictions or regulations, accidents by air-craft, boat, bicycle, or any other (non) motor vehicle, or any hotel, inn, restaurant or accommodation, failure of any means or transportation to arrive or depart as scheduled or changes in transit, hotel, inn, guest house or camping service.
When climbing Kilimanjaro, you understand and accept that reaching the summit can not be guaranteed and you may suffer from cold or altitude-related illness and you might have to abort the climb, your guide will decide the best actions that will benefit you and your health the best.
When going on safari you understand and accept that you are entering wildlife reserves, with possibly dangerous animals, with no guarantee to actually see the 'big five' or other specific animals.

* Release and Assumption of Risk: *

I am aware that, during the trip that I am participating in under the arrangements of and its agents and associates, I may be subjecting myself to dangers and hazards, which could result in illness, injury or death. I recognize that such risks, dangers and hazards may be present at any time during the trip, during and outside of scheduled and unscheduled activities.

I also am aware that medical services or facilities may not be readily available or accessible nor of high standards during all of the time in which I am participating in the trip. 

In consideration of, and as part payment for, the right to participate in the trip and the associated activities, services and food arranged for me by and its agents or associates, I have and do hereby fully assume all risk of illness, injury or death, and by signing this booking form (and/or paying the deposit) release and discharge and its agents and associates from all actions, claims or demands for injury or damage, physical or psychological, resulting from my participation in the trip. I agree that the forgoing obligation shall be binding upon me personally, as well as upon my heirs, executors and administrators, and for all members of my family, including any minors accompanying me.


(Optional) I am insured under the following Policy (company, policy number)

I, the undersigned, hereby release and its staff from relations with the Insurance Company if an accident or injury occurs.

I also acknowledge that I have carefully read this information including its policy on cancelled trips and refunds, fully understand its contents and agree to all stated conditions. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between me and and/or its affiliated organizations and sign it of my own free will.



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Bookings: email us for bookings or special requests