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GPS waypoints of the Machame route



Below are the waypoints for the Machame route on Kilimanjaro, make sure you use the same grid/datum (see your GPS manual). The altitude is less accurate, but given as well, thanks to Rob Milne for supplying the data.

Any additions for Kiliroutes or other 7summits routes? email them to us.


New: Hogne Roed Nilsen has just sent us a .kmz file of his Machame climb, get it here. This will open automatically in Google Earth if you have it installed (if not, get it here). A great way to see the route visually, thanks!


First part is an alphabetical list of the waypoints with position, the second group is the route with directions.

Submitted by: Rob Milne Scottish Mountaineering Club Jan-02/04
Grid Lat/Lon hddd°mm.mmm'
Datum WGS 84
Header Name Position Altitude (From the GPS, not accurate)
Machame Route to Rau Gate, Kilimanjaro
(not accurate)
Header Name Position Altitude
Waypoint MACHAME START S3 10.406 E37 14.338 5718 ft
Waypoint MACHAME HUT S3 05.721 E37 15.975 9927 ft
Waypoint LNCH1 S3 04.781 E37 16.943 11891 ft
Waypoint SHIRA CAMP S3 04.028 E37 16.576 12355 ft
Waypoint LNCH2 S3 04.103 E37 19.046 14781 ft
Waypoint BARRANCO CAMP S3 05.741 E37 19.777 13066 ft
Waypoint LNCH3 S3 06.655 E37 21.165 12940 ft
Waypoint BARAFU CAMP S3 05.956 E37 22.690 15239 ft
Waypoint RIM S3 04.682 E37 21.759 18471 ft
Waypoint KILIMANJARO SUMMIT S3 04.585 E37 21.240 19098 ft
Waypoint RAU CAMP S3 10.025 E37 24.909 10650 ft
Waypoint RAU GATE S3 17.195 E37 25.885 5688 ft
Breach Route variations
Waypoint Lava Tower S3 04.075 E37 19.650 15212 ft
Waypoint Arrrow Glacier Camp S3 04.344 E37 20.177 15971 ft
Waypoint Upper Barafu Camp Site S3 05.560 E37 22.594 16051 ft
Descent to Mweke
Waypoint Mweke Upper Hut S3 07.918 E37 22.339 12599 ft
Waypoint Mweke Hut S3 09.383 E37 22.027 10204 ft
Waypoint Mweke Gate S3 13.176 E37 20.479 5423 ft


Distances and course Machame route


Header Name Length Course Waypoints
Route MACHAME START to RAU GATE 35.5 mi 120° true 14 waypoints
Header Waypoint Name Distance Leg Length Course
Route Waypoint MACHAME START 0 ft
Route Waypoint MACHAME HUT 5.7 mi 5.7 mi 19° true
Route Waypoint LUNCH2 7.3 mi 1.6 mi 46° true
Route Waypoint SHIRA CAMP 8.2 mi 1.0 mi 334° true
Route Waypoint LUNCH3 11.1 mi 2.8 mi 92° true
Route Waypoint BARRANCO CAMP 13.2 mi 2.1 mi 156° true
Route Waypoint LUNCH4 15.1 mi 1.9 mi 123° true
Route Waypoint BARAFU CAMP 17.0 mi 1.9 mi 65° true
Route Waypoint RIM 18.8 mi 1.8 mi 324° true
Route Waypoint KILIMANJARO SUMMIT 19.4 mi 0.6 mi 281° true
Route Waypoint RIM 20.0 mi 0.6 mi 101° true
Route Waypoint BARAFU CAMP 21.8 mi 1.8 mi 144° true
Route Waypoint RAU CAMP 27.2 mi 5.3 mi 151° true
Route Waypoint RAU GATE 35.5 mi 8.3 mi 172° true


Another list of mainly the same waypoints, some a few meters off, can be found here